Through education and preventive services, Ready Set Smile prepares and empowers all children in our community to care for their oral health.
Every child in our community will have an opportunity to be free of dental disease.
Prevention of oral disease is more valuable than treatment.
Every child should have access to preventive dental services.
Children should be encouraged and empowered to be responsible for their oral health through education.
The gateway to children is through parents, their greater community and school.
All community members, local and extended, play a role in the success of students.
Integrating community members’ disciplines on behalf of children will generate profound and lasting change.
A new model of delivery and engagement is necessary to improve the oral health of all children.
Strategic Plan
Goal: improve children’s health with families, schools and systems
Build Ready, Set, Smile’s capacity to improve systems that serve children.
Authentically partner with families to improve their children’s health.
Improve engagement of school administration and staff.
goal: strengthen organizational sustainability
Increase philanthropic and earned revenue.
Align board policy and practice with organizational needs.
goal: operate with excellence
Strengthen Ready Set Smile structure to improve capacity.
Determine roles and responsibilities to match growth and prepare for the future.
Standardize staff training and follow-up.
Use Ready Set Smile impact data for learning and communication.